
a wookiee walks a lot.

zero day to cowle's cove shelter

24 August 2020 — 2 min read

miles: 15.4

woke up relatively late at around 07:00hr. i didn’t sleep particularly well due to my ankle throbbing in pain. i rolled everything out, packed up,and went downstairs. nails was up working at her laptop. i had a slow breakfast and shortly afterward we headed out.

nails dropped me off at rt 2. we hugged and she took my photo by the long trail sign. it was somewhat bittersweet as i headed across the road and into the woods.

i crossed the suspension bridge with the great swimming spot beneath it and began the road walk to the parking lot at the base of camel’s hump. i opted not to take the new route through the fields as i wanted an easy controlled start on my ankle. i also knew from when i came through here NOBO that the edge of the fields would be wet and i was really enjoying my nee dry socks.

3 miles on the road brought me to the parking lot and i started the 6.6 miles up the mountain. it was gradual at first, but then became quite steep as i progressed toward the summit. so far my ankle was doing pretty well.

at the summit i took some lunch before snapping obligatory photos and heading down the other side. the way down was a bit more difficult on the ankle. it had rained briefly on the way up and the rocks were slippery. thunder in the distance warned me of a closing storm. i reached montclair glen lodge with only a few minutes to spare.

i had signal and called magz. mentally i haven’t been having the best day. i had been able to focus on my upcoming zero day with nails, but now that that is over, all i want is to be home, cozy with her and the dogs. i’ve been trying to focus on rutland where they’re going to come up to do my resupply, but i’m not being successful. i was crying when i heard her voice and said i missed her.

i waited out the storm in the shelter. i lay on the bunk and almost fell asleep. it smelled distinctly like mouse pee.

once the storm was over, i checked out the tent platform. it was not suitable. slimy, and not a single attachment point. that doesn’t work for my tarp style tent. so i set out for cowle’s cove shelter.

this was the section of trail that included the ladder and the rope. it’s a pretty slow section of trail, but i arrived at camp only a little late.

the shelter was full, 3 guys traveling together and a woman (who is apparently a flight attendant) solo. it’s a small shelter, so there is 0 social distancing. i stayed out in front while i made my dinner, then retired to my tent, which is in the exact spot it was last time i was here. this is also the shelter i met nails and swamp donkey.

some additional photos from today: