
a wookiee walks a lot.

seth warner shelter to goddard shelter

03 August 2020 — 3 min read

miles: 21.3

miraculously it didn’t rain last night. it was a bit blustery. the trees sent down their finest twigs which sometimes sounded like rain.

i woke pretty early, but went back to sleep. it was nice having magz with me. we finally got up just before 6. my breakfast routine was slow as usual, and we didn’t leave for another hour and a half.

it was hard to leave magz. she wanted to come with, but sadly it was a bit too late for that decision.

the walk was tough today. i’ve lost a lot of my at hiking energy, but i managed to push through.

i passed some beautiful beaver territory. at times the path was a couple feet below the water line.

one of my favorite smells is fir trees. much of the day was through what i call “fir bog” and i relished in it.

fir bog

stopped at congdon shelter, where we stayed for my birthday hike last year. sadly it was still a bit of a dump.

congdon shelter

hiked up harmon hill and took a snap. the weather is almost exactly the same as it was the last time i was here.

harmon hill

harmon hill represents the end of the pioneer valley. if all goes well i’ll be back here in a little over a month having touched canada.

leaving the pioneer valley

hiked down to woodford hollow (rt 9) where last year’s hike ended. crossed the road and was presented with a nice foot bridge across the river where i stopped for lunch.

woodford hollow foot bridge

split rock!

and some more stunning views:

got to goddard shelter, which is referred to as the best shelter on the trail on guthook (the navigation app i’m using) i have to agree. the shelter is roomy with a porch, and it has a bear box. i’m really glad that vermont is putting bear boxes at shelters. hanging food is pretty difficult to do well, and relying on tired hikers who might be coming into camp after dark to do it properly 100% of the time is unrealistic.

goddard shelter

cooking dinner at the shelter, there was one woman who looked incredibly familiar. she struck up a conversation, and we figured it out. it’s “which way”! the last time i saw her was the day before i got off the AT at standing indian shelter. i didn’t mention it here but my bear hang got so buffeted by the wind that night that it bent the mini carabiner that secures it to the line. “which way” had a spare and gave me one. i thanked her again tonight. :)

before dinner i hiked the .3 miles up to glastenbury mountain fire tower to get a photo. tonight the remnants of hurricane isaias arrive. there won’t be a view tomorrow. the weather report is currently calling for 2-3 inches tonight and then 4-5” tomorrow. seriously considering a zero tomorrow.

glastenbury mountain fire tower
view north from glastenbury mountain fire tower. that's where we're going.

dinner: good to go chicken gumbo (with okra!) verdict: :thumbup:

chicken gumbo

tonight’s camp:

goddard shelter tent site

some additional photos from today: