
a wookiee walks a lot.

lamoille stealth camp to spruce ledge camp.

16 August 2020 — 2 min read

miles: 18.1

we woke a bit earlier than usual. i think we were all aware that it was dark in the pine forest, and overcompensated on when to get up. the three of us were on trail by about 0610hr.

i decided not to hike with nails and swamp donkey today. i wanted to take it easy on my knee. last night i found a muscle deep in my leg up near my hip that was very painful. i ground it up with the massage ball. i think it might have been the cause of my knee pain late yesterday.

thankfully the terrain cooperated flat open trail for the most part. still a few steep climbs and descents, but not a lot of obstacles. i just kept moving at a slow pace.

after only a mile, i got to prospect rock.

i passed my original goal for yesterday, round top shelter, and was immediately glad that i hadn’t made it. the shelter was full. 4 section hikers in the shelter, and then at least 2 families with children and a dog. the kids were very young, running around in circles.

i passed through a maple syrup farm.

maple syrup farm

i carried on for a few miles, passing a neat rock ledge on the way to laraway lookout.

rock ledge

at laraway lookout i took a break there and admired the view.

while i was there, what i think were peregrine falcons soared above and below me, back and forth.


laraway mountain summit was unremarkable. there was a sign, but no view.

a few miles later i arrived at corliss camp, which looked more like a house. it was a neat little site. i stopped, took off my shoes and socks, and had lunch. i also took the time to roll out my legs again. even though i was there quite some time, i never saw nails or swamp donkey. i cameled up with water for the last 6.8 miles.

corliss camp

i summitted butternut mountain, again unremarkable.

a few more hours later i arrived at spruce ledge camp. it was a little after three. not bad for a slow day. pitched my tent, and made a cup of tea, then lounged around, and made dinner.

spruce ledge camp

after dinner, i made another cup of tea and just as it was coming to a boil nails and swamp donkey showed up.

the camp has a treacherous lookout point. it looks safe, but is a sheer drop. thankfully there is a sign.

some additional photos from today.