
a wookiee walks a lot.

mass at approach to seth warner shelter

02 August 2020 — 2 min read

miles: 2.9, plus 4.5 at approach trail.

total miles: 7.4

magz and i left the house about ten and headed to plainfield to drop the pups off at their aunt and uncle’s for the night. we’re podded up with them, so hugs all around.

headed toward the parking spot where we left magz car for the night and headed west down rt 2.


one street down we turned ont a street that is the appalachian trail, took a foot bridge over the river and then a second over the train tracks.


we then walked east on massachusetts avenue a few minutes before turning onto a driveway that was the trail. it felt like we were hiking on the public footpaths in england. (i really wish we had more of that sort of thing here in the u.s.

we didn’t have far to go. about 4.5 miles to the border of massachusetts / vermont where a sign told us that the long trail officially started.

long trail southern terminus

the day was hot and muggy. there is a hurricane coming up the east coast throwing all sorts of weather our way, but it only rained for 20 minutes or so as we hiked. i was glad to have my umbrella. hiking in a rain jacket in the heat is useless.

magz was trying out her xero hiking sandals to see how they did moderately long distance. she was pleased overall, but her feet were quite tired by the time we arrived at the shelter.

water filtered we made tea and pitched the tent. tea was had and the tent moved after i realized we had pitched it too close to some dead timber.

seth warner tent site

magz went to pee behind a bush and after returning kept asking what smelled like old man breath. 20 minutes later she’s smelling everything in camp and discovers shit on her foot. human shit. 40 hand and foot washes and a half a bar of soap later, peace was restored. (sort of) PSA: 1. use the privy when there is one. 2. if you shit in the woods, dig a hole. gross.

dinner was annie’s mac and cheese (rice mac for magz) with some real cheese added in. we kept hearing thunder in the distance, but other than some errant raindrops it’s been dry.

magz heads south back to the civilization tomorrow, while i continue north.