
a wookiee walks a lot.

bear hollow shelter to butler lodge

21 August 2020 — 5 min read

miles: 15.1

slept so well last night, in my own tent. it rained a bit, but i stayed dry except a little moisture on the foot of my sleeping bag. it’s interesting, it happens every time, but i wonder if it’s not rain, but condensation because when it rains i close the tent up. it’s one of the drawbacks of a single wall tent.

packed up and had breakfast in the shelter. some sort of freeze dried granola. very good, needed no hot water, and was done in seconds. i highly recommend.

hit the trail and my ankle felt a bit better, but it was still pretty messed up. i hiked up whiteface. i recall when coming north not understanding what all the fuss was, but it’s a legitimate climb.

i passed whiteface shelter where a couple NOBO hikers were taking a break. they had heard of the yo-yo hiker and were psyched to run into me.

a few more miles and i hit hagerman overlook.

hagerman outlook

then a few miles later hit the ski run up to the top of madonna peak, where i took 5 for second breakfast.

madonna peak

i limped down the ski run on the other side and back into the woods. my ankle meant my foot was largely useless. i could put weight on it without pain, but it had to be fully supported or balanced. i began to think of it like a peg leg. (apparently my great grandfather had a peg leg)

i passed by sterling pond shelter, not stopping due to the sound of yelling children. the pond itself only had a handful of people this time, so i stopped to take a photo.

sterling pond

up the wide trail on the other side, i took a picture of the white pock marked rocks i mentioned previously. i don’t know what they are, but they are treacherously slippery even when dry.

treacherous rocks

i continued on and suddenly was aware of a predator in the trail. it was watching me. it took a moment before i found its human companion.


i hiked down to vt 108 where i read in guthook that if you take the free gondola ride to the village there is a taco truck and a place to get a beer.

gondola ride

i went over, but sadly the taco truck was closed. there was a proper restaurant so i thought i’d get some lunch.

when i walked up to the hostess she asked for my name and cell phone number. uh. no. she was unwilling to even seat me without them. i asked to see the manager, who informed me that apparently they have to for contact tracing and that it’s vermont law. i asked about how my data was being encrypted and protected and wad told that it wasn’t. thanks, but no thanks.

took the gondola back to vt 108 and walked the boardwalk to the view of smugglers notch.

i started up mansfield, one limp at a time. it took a while, but eventually i got to taft lodge where i took a snack break.

continuing upward, i passed the “bad weather bypass” trail, i’ve been told it’s appropriately named.

profanity trail

it was cloudy but still clear, so i continued on the official LT.

.3 mile later, i was stopping to don my rain jacket and stow my camera and phone. it was too windy for my umbrella. .3 mile later i was on top. the wind was whipping rain into my jacket hood with such speed that it hurt my ears. needless to say, there wasn’t much of a view, though there was an older man at the chin, standing in the rain.

i quickly passed him, knowing i had 2 miles on top. it was cold, and everything from my rain jacket down was drenched.

it was slow going, limping along. the rain subsided, but i was still wet, and it was still cold and windy. i passed a few NOBO hikers, and then if you can believe it, which way! she had decided to section hike the LT sometime after i saw her at goddard (and if you recall, on the AT in march) we chatted for a minute, before carrying on. i did get a photo however. (which way is on the left)

which way

continuing along the top i finally passed the mansfield visitors center, possibly the most depressing building on the planet. i started down the bog boards on the other side on the way to the mansfield forehead, and i see this well dressed guy in fancy shoes walking toward me. i thought i was going mad. i straight up told him he looked bonkers up here in that. apparently he and his girl had driven up on a whim!

what even the af

i finally got to the forehead. it felt like i was on top for hours. as i started down the treacherous north side it started to rain again. soon it was chucking down and i was drenched again. i kept hoping it would let up by the time i got to the super sketchy parts, but alas, when i got to them it was raining harder than ever. as they say, sometimes the fear won’t go away, so you just have to do it afraid.

a few tenths of a mile later i arrived at the spur trail to butler lodge. i hiked down it and as i approached the lodge it stopped raining. i entered and there were 4 NOBO hikers eating at the table. it took me a minute to compose myself, i just sat in the corner and making a sizeable puddle, and ate a couple food bars. minutes later the sun briefly broke through the clouds and shone in the door of the lodge.

i decided to stay here tonight, despite my distaste for lodges. it’s in the alpine zone, so definitely no tent camping allowed. the next tent site is another 1.2 miles, and i didn’t have it in me, plus it was getting late. apparently it did in fact take me hours on top.

some dry clothes, pesto chicken and tea later, and i’m watching the spectacular sunset through the door of the lodge. all is well again.

additional photos from today: