
a wookiee walks a lot.

battell shelter to sucker brook shelter

26 August 2020 — 1 min read

miles: 23.7

long day.

left battell at around 07:00. i got going a bit late because it was cold and i didn’t want to get up. when i left, the thermometer on the signpost said it was 40f, so probably mid-30’s last night.

today was a hard day. my ankle was doing pretty well, but my energy was lacking. it felt like i was pushing hard all day, but not getting anywhere. it was also cold all day. i wore my windbreaker until sometime around 14:00hr. i’m definitely ready to be done.

i passed over mt. roosevelt where there was a spectacular view. one day i’ll stitch all these photos into a panorama.

i definitely did not have a great time today. i think i’m learning that i want to share experiences like this with someone, namely magz. i thought being out here by myself would feel liberating, and at times it does, but ultimately i was not prepared to feel so much longing for company. i really like being alone, but it turns out not every day all day. no one is as surprised at this revelation more than me. i actually wonder now whether the AT is possible for me. maybe if i had a tramily it could work, but solo, i don’t think so anymore.

tomorrow night i’ll be right around 100 miles from mass. i’ve decided that even though i’m ready to be done i’m going to finish up this last 5-6 days.

arrived at sucker brook shelter just as a married, retired couple and their dog, maize (may-zee), a labradoodle. they were camping in style with wine, a candle (apparently they dine by candlelight every night), some kind of meat stick wraps, and salads. they gave me half a left over cucumber. they keep goats and chickens, so we had some fun trading goat stories before bed.

some additional photos from today: