
a wookiee walks a lot.

harper's ferry, wv to rocky run shelter

20 May 2022 — 2 min read

i had trouble getting up this morning. i’m definitely having trouble mentally the last few days with home sickness. when everyone else was already moving i finally got up and went to breakfast where i didn’t really feel like eating, but i did anyway.

after breakfast we returned to the room to pack up. lyric decided to take another zero because of the timing of meeting his friend in pennsylvania to hike. we got word that kick was in town and on his way to the ATC headquarters, so we shouldered our packs and headed out. my pack felt heavier than at any point on trail. i didn’t eat everything i got in town and was now packing it out to the trail.

we swung by the ATC and chatted with kick for a little while. he’s staying in town for a few days visiting with his family who is here. after a while i got itchy and we made our exit, hitting the supplier for some freeze dried dinners on the way out of town.

we crossed the potomac on a railroad bridge and took the bike path along the potomac for a few miles before crossing the railroad tracks and heading into the woods.

the trail was steep, but only for a little while until i got on the ridge where it was very flat for most of the day. i briefly stopped at weverton cliffs which overlook the potomac.

weverton cliffs

from there it was a straight shot along the ridge for most of the day. i stopped at edward b. garvey shelter for lunch. it was a strange shelter in that the access to the second floor was via stairs on the back. rocket and maestro caught up to me and we had lunch together.

the afternoon was more flat straight trail. i listened to some podcasts and a new playlist magz made for me, though i was well aware i was just avoiding the place my brain is in.

i got to rocky run shelter around 16:00, where there were already a few other hikers, mostly section. the shelter was another huge one and i opted for it over setting up my tent.

the water source was a 5” pipe and flowing beautifully, so i took a nice bath. i felt better for a little while, but it was so warm i was soon sweaty again.

i feel a sense of loss without bugs and lyric here. our little tramily is half what it once was.

i think tomorrow i’ll do some work in the morning on this depression / home sickness, so no tunes, podcasts, or audiobooks to distract me. it’s the best time to do it because in theory tomorrow is our last good day of weather for the rest of time.

some additional images from today: