
a wookiee walks a lot.

double zero

10 June 2022 — 1 min read

i spent 2 days at home. the back to back 30 mile days got me an extra zero. on friday i got the snow blower off the tractor and the flail mower on and did a little mowing. i even went on what would usually be considered a “longer walk” and saw some of the folks at the farm. brother outlaw came over for a socially distanced driveway beer since i was still persona non grata due to my covid test. shortly after he left however, i took another test, and this one i passed!

i got all my new stuff. from the waist down, everything is brand new. shorts, socks, and shoes. i also replaced both my umbrella and my sleeping pad. let’s hope this one doesn’t leak. i also got a bidet attachment for a bottle called . . . wait for it . . . culoclean. hah!

friday night was what thursday night should have been, a nice quiet night at home with the family. we watched dodgeball. easy, stupid, relaxing. i got to sleep in my own bed.

saturday was helping magz prepare for her party. we got the garage and parking lot in front all set up and the house cleaned. i picked up the food, and the party went off without a hitch. everyone seemed to have a great time.

no photos today sorry, but here is a thing i drew. it’s the ghost in the machine!

ghost in the machine